243 Connecticut 37, New Fairfield, CT 6812 - special purpose property

Detailed information about special purpose property which situated in New Fairfield (6812) city, Connecticut state on 243 Connecticut 37.
Part of the property is location in Sherman, a town of about 3,000 people with the majority located in New Fairfield, a town of about 13,000 people, both in Fairfield County. Both towns are bedroom communities for lower Fairfield County and the New York City employment areas. The surrounding properties consist of single family developments, a Connecticut State Forest and larger wooded parcels to the East. The western New York border abutting property consisting of 800+ acres is a preserved Conservation Area owned by Putnam County

Additional Information: Ideal property for non-profit organizations programs and could be used for Conference Center, a Retreat facility, Sanctuary, Educational Center, or Religious facility. The property contains certain specific restrictions on the use of the land as expressed in the will and run with the land and binds all present and future title holders. These permitted uses include but are not limited to schools, colleges, educational or scientific facilities, programs, religious, and other charitable uses. The property may be conveyed to another non-profit institution, agency or corporation, private or governmental, who will commit to maintaining the property per the terms of the “Merritt Will”. PROPERTY BACKGROUND The Great Hollow Wilderness School (GHWS) 827 acre property was acquired by the Regional YMCA of Western Connecticut from Wesleyan University in 1998. It has been the site of the Great Wilderness School for 43 years. The School conducts workshops on the environment and leads regional outdoor activity trips such as canoeing, hiking and camping. 88 acres of the property is located in Sherman and the balance of 739 acres in New Fairfield. The property sits on both sides of Route 37 and includes a conference center, farmhouse, barn, log cabin, high and low ropes course and many miles of trails. GHWS provides nature awareness programs to students in northern Fairfield County, central Connecticut and the New York Metropolitan area. CURRENT PROPERTY USE/OWNERSHIP Founded in 1970, Great Hollow Wilderness School (GHWS) has been creating and managing change through experiential education. GHWS serves a wide range of participants from middle school students to corporate executives. The basic principle of the Great Hollow Wilderness School is that experiential education provides opportunities for growth and learning for everyone in an environment which minimizes socioeconomic and cultural barriers. Great Hollow Conference Center is the ideal setting for corporate or other meetings, retreats, and training. The Eighteenth Century farmhouse, nestled in the natural beauty of an 827 acre wildlife preserve, provides a peaceful, casual environment to get a team focused or the creative juices flowing. PROPERTY RESTRICTIONS In 1976, under the Will of Walter Merritt, the property passed to Wesleyan University and then acquired in 1998 by the Regional YMCA of Western Connecticut. The property contains certain specific restrictions on the use of the land as expressed in the will and run with the land and binds all present and future title holders. These permitted uses include but are not limited to schools, colleges, educational or scientific facilities, programs, religious, and other charitable uses. The primary use and purpose of the land is to maintain it as a wildlife sanctuary for the benefit and enjoyment of the public and for scientific and educational purpose consistent with, the wild portions of the real property except approximately 200 acres of fields, pastures, orchards, and areas now or formerly used in parcels 1A and 1B and portions of parcel II for farming or for buildings, gardens, lawns or other improvements. The property may be conveyed to another non-profit institution, agency or corporation, private or governmental, who will commit to maintaining the property per the terms of the “Merritt Will”. The property may also be conveyed to a private non-profit corporation that will make the required commitment to meet all restrictive terms of the Merritt Will. It may not be conveyed to a private individual or to a private corporation that will use the property for purposes that do not serve “the benefit and enjoyment of the public” as required by the Will. This spectacular property is for Sale reduced in price from $3,950,000 to $2,950,000. Call George Walker today for an appointment at 203-733-0692.

Property Address: 243 Connecticut 37, New Fairfield CT 6812

Cost: $2,950,000
  • Building Info
  • Buildings: 8
  • Stories: 2
  • Rental Info
  • Ideal Use: Agricultural, Assembly/Meeting Place, Health Care/Medical, School/University, Sports/Entertainment, Other
  • Status: For sale
  • Sales Term: Cash to Seller
  • Price: $2,950,000
  • Unit Price: $118 Per SF
  • Renters Information

NOTE: Please contact with J. Michael Struna if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of special purpose property For sale.

243 Connecticut 37, New Fairfield, CT 6812 special purpose For sale on GoogleMaps

  • Type: special purpose
  • Address: 243 Connecticut 37
  • City: New Fairfield
  • State: CT
  • County: Fairfield
  • Submarket Type: Other
  • Zip-Code: 6812
  • Updated: 01/17/13

All information about special purpose property For sale that located on 243 Connecticut 37, New Fairfield, CT 6812 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.

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