Commercial Property For Rent in Birmingham, MI 48009 - rentals listings database including Birmingham MI 48009 Commercial Property For Rent and other real estate for rent in US.

Browse Birmingham, Oakland county of Michigan Commercial Property For Rent

first 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 last Total: 62 Commercial Property For Rent found in Birmingham city, Oakland county, Michigan
Property Type:
Use: Office Building
Address: 322 N. Old Woodward Avenue
City: Birmingham/Oakland
State: MI
  • County: Oakland Zip-Code: 48009

    ID: 7721
  • Property Type:
    Use: Office Building
    Address: 300 S. OLD WOODWARD
    City: Birmingham/Oakland
    State: MI
  • County: Oakland Zip-Code: 48009

    ID: 20385
  • first 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 last Total: 62 Commercial Property For Rent found in Birmingham city, Oakland county, Michigan

    Birmingham, MI 48009 on GoogleMaps

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